Tell me it's not true!
Near tears, a visibly shaken Edgar Poon (center)
hears that his essay has been disqualified and does not win
the grand-prize trip to Darwin as first announced. Judges
nixed Mr. Poon's essay--only seconds before he was to
receive the coveted first prize--because it was one word
over the 500-word limit. (The essay review committee
mistakenly counted "two holer" as one word.)
Unfortunately, Mr. Poon travelled at his own expense
to the awards ceremony at Fred's Dusty Vagabond Motel
in Fresno, California, all the way from his native Maine after
learning that his essay, "What I Like Best About Darwin,"
was chosen over 20,000 others (Moe Moto photo).

Past winners
Feets don't fail me now!
Don't push me
Hey, hands off
Don't get that finger near me!

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